Women's Ministry


Ladies Society/LWML

The women's ministry of Redeemer exists to promote growth in Christian faith, to initiate and co-operate in all projects and endeavors of the congregation, to bring the Gospel of Jesus to our community and throughout the world, to engage in local and synodical charitable work, and promote Christian fellowship. The Ladies Society holds an annual rummage sale in the Spring using the funds to support projects within the congregation and in the community. The group meets monthly for eight months through out the year.

The Lutheran Women's Missionary League is the auxilliary laywomen's group of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod supporting missionary work locally and throughout the world through mission grants. Funds are collected through the Mite Box program, referring to the pleasing gift of the "Widow's Mite" described in Luke 21:2-2 "He also saw a poor widow put in two very small copper coins. 'I tell you the truth,' he said, 'this poor widow has put in more than all the others,  All these people gave their gifts out of their wealth; but she out of her proverty put in all she had to live on'".

The Redeemer women meet with other local churches as the Hammond Zone, and the organization holds state-wide and national seminars. For more information visit the LwmL - Lutheran Women in Mission website here.

Altar Guild

The volunteers of the Altar Guild care for the altar linens, ministrial paraments, candle supplies, schedule and order altar flowers, care for banners in the sanctuary and prepare the altar for services each weekend.
